As a university student, I was constantly juggling assignments, projects, and a social life. Traditional to-do lists weren’t cutting it – I needed a system that truly understood my workflow and helped me overcome procrastination. That’s why I created Incursus, a science-backed productivity app that has now been downloaded over 1,000 times.

My Design Philosophy

Incursus was born from a combination of personal experience and research into proven productivity techniques. I wanted to address the core issues that hold people back from achieving their goals:

  • Information Overload: Too many tasks scattered across different platforms
  • Analysis Paralysis: Overthinking priorities instead of taking action
  • Procrastination: The allure of short-term gratification over long-term goals
  • Mental Fatigue: Burning out from trying to tackle everything at once

The Science Behind Incursus

I dug deep into psychology and productivity research to find strategies that address these challenges head-on:

  • Eisenhower Matrix: This classic time management tool helped me prioritize tasks by urgency and importance.
  • Brain Dumping: By regularly clearing my mind, I could focus on one task at a time and reduce cognitive overload.
  • The Akrasia Effect: Understanding the neuroscience of procrastination led me to design features that promote action over planning.
  • The Zeigarnik Effect: I leveraged this psychological phenomenon to strategically interrupt tasks and boost motivation.

Building the App

I chose Kotlin for its modern syntax and compatibility with Android development. To simplify the backend, I leveraged Firebase for user authentication, real-time database storage, and analytics. This allowed me to focus on crafting a smooth user experience without getting bogged down in server-side complexities.

Translating these concepts into a functional app was a rewarding challenge. I focused on creating a user-friendly interface that would guide users through the process of capturing tasks, prioritizing them, and scheduling them into a personalized timeline.

Some of the key features I implemented include:

  • Intuitive task capture: Users can quickly add tasks and notes without getting bogged down in details.
  • Dynamic prioritization: The app adapts to your energy levels and task types to create an optimal daily schedule.
  • Smart reminders: Incursus reminds you of upcoming tasks at the most opportune times, based on your past behavior.
  • Progress tracking: Visualize your accomplishments and stay motivated to keep moving forward.

The Launch

Before releasing Incursus to the public, I enlisted the help of my friends and family for beta testing. Their valuable feedback helped me refine the app and squash bugs before launch. This was an invaluable step in ensuring a positive user experience.

The initial release was a nerve-wracking but exciting experience. Seeing the download counter tick upwards and receiving positive reviews was incredibly rewarding. Through Google Analytics, I gained insights into how users were interacting with the app, allowing me to make data-driven improvements.

The Impact of Incursus

Seeing Incursus reach over 1,000 downloads has been incredibly gratifying. It’s a testament to the fact that many people struggle with the same productivity challenges I did.

While the app is still evolving, I’m proud of the positive impact it has had on users’ lives. I’m constantly gathering feedback and trying to iterateon the design to make Incursus even more effective.

The Road Ahead: Cross-Platform Ambitions

While my current focus has been on the Android version, I have ambitious plans to expand Incursus to a cross-platform environment. My work commitments have temporarily delayed iOS development, but I’m eager to explore technologies like Flutter or React Native to bring the app to a wider audience.

What’s Next

Firstly, I couldn’t have reached this milestone without the support of my friends, family, and the growing community of Incursus users. Your feedback and encouragement have been invaluable. This is just the beginning of my journey into the world of productivity and personal growth. I’m excited to continue iterating on Incursus and exploring new ways to help people unlock their full potential.