I partnered with Gastrolab India, a leading diagnostics company, to develop the Gastric Motility Assessment (GMA) app. Now used by healthcare professionals across India, this app is designed to aid in the diagnosis and management of digestive disorders.

My Role: Full-Stack Development & Scaling

As the sole developer, I spearheaded the entire project lifecycle – from initial concept and design through to building, launching, and continuously iterating on two versions of the app.

Overcoming Technical Challenges

The project presented several unique technical challenges that I tackled head-on:

  • Complex Algorithm Implementation: The GMA app incorporates a proprietary algorithm for calculating Gastric Myoelectric Activity Threshold (GMAT) scores. This required meticulous translation of complex medical formulas into robust and efficient code.
  • Data Visualization: I designed interactive charts and graphs to present intricate medical data in a clear and actionable way, empowering clinicians to make informed decisions.
  • Cross-Platform Development: To expand the app’s reach beyond Android, I transitioned to Flutter, enabling me to build a single codebase that runs seamlessly on both Android and iOS devices.
  • Anonymous Data Collection (Version 2): In the latest version, I implemented a secure system for collecting non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) to support the training of AI models, enhancing the app’s diagnostic capabilities over time.

Leveraging Proven Technologies

My tech stack included:

  • Flutter: This cross-platform framework allowed me to build a high-performance app for both Android and iOS with a single codebase.
  • Firebase: Building on my previous experience, I leveraged Firebase for user authentication, real-time database, and analytics to monitor app usage and gather valuable insights.
  • User-Centric Design & Iterative Development: Throughout the development process, I worked closely with gastroenterologists and medical professionals, incorporating their feedback to refine the user interface and ensure the app met their specific needs. This iterative approach resulted in an intuitive and user-friendly tool that has been well-received by the medical community.

Impact and Future Directions

The GMA app is now being used by healthcare providers across India, demonstrating its value in the diagnosis and management of digestive disorders. I’m actively involved in ongoing development, exploring new features such as AI-Powered Diagnostics, leveraging the collected non-PII data to develop machine learning models that can further improve diagnostic accuracy.

Key Takeaways

Building and scaling the GMA app has been an incredibly rewarding experience. I’ve gained valuable insights into:

  • Translating Medical Expertise: Bridging the gap between complex medical concepts and user-friendly technology.
  • Data-Driven Development: Utilizing analytics to understand user behavior and inform feature enhancements.
  • Cross-Platform Development: The power of Flutter to accelerate development and reach a wider audience.
  • The Impact of Technology on Healthcare: Witnessing firsthand how mobile apps can empower medical professionals and improve patient care.